1 Nov2024

Monopoly ‘What the Snowy Mountains mean to me’ Photo Competition

01/11/2024-17/11/2024, All Day

Monopoly Photo Competition

‘What the Snowy Mountains mean to me’

SERVICE ONE Mutual Ltd is developing a community-based version of the classic board game Monopoly, specifically tailored to highlight the unique aspects of the Snowy Mountains region and its local businesses. This initiative will be undertaken in collaboration with Winning Moves Pty Ltd which produces customised editions of Monopoly under licence from Hasbro.

Two opportunities to be involved:

1: As a sponsor

Sponsorship Prospectus

To learn more or discuss how you can get involved please contact:
Louise Parker,  Special Projects Manager, Service One Mutual Ltd
E: lparker@serviceone.com.au or 0448 406329

2: Have your photo featured in the new Snowy Mountains edition of Monopoly.

Entry: Take a photo of what the Snowy Mountains means to you.

Ensure minimum photo quality of 300dpi at 100%

Email it to: admin@serviceone.com.au with your name and details of the photo

Entries close: 17 November 2024

Photo Competition Terms & Conditions


  • Phone:

Cooma, NSW
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
moderate rain
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